10 Indoor Plants to Cool your Home in Summer
Since Bangladesh is situated in a sub-tropical or temperate region, the weather here never gets too cold. Summers, however, can often get unbearably hot and humid. Thanks to the Greenhouse Effect and global warming, the weather during summer gets even worse than it used to be even 3 to 5 years ago. We are all aware of the cooling effect that green plants can have on their surrounding environment, especially as their transpiration releases oxygen into the atmosphere. Here are some indoor plants you can adorn your home with to cool it down in the sweaty heat of summer:
Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)
Generally, the bigger the leaves of your indoor plant, the cooler your room will be. As the rubber plant has very big leaves, it will significantly cool down any room that you put it in. It also clears the air of toxins like formaldehyde, which is an added bonus. The soil of the rubber plant needs to be kept evenly damp, so you will need to water it in frequent, short bursts.
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)
A Chinese Evergreen or Aglaonema is another plant that will help remove harmful toxins from the air indoors, which makes it great for natural air filtration. Furthermore, it also has a very high rate of transpiration, meaning that it is super effective in cooling down indoor temperatures, as well as humidifying your home. There are multiple varieties of Chinese Evergreen available in the market, but it is advised that for those who are looking to cool down their surroundings, one with thick foliage will be the best option.
Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
If your home is relatively small and cramped for space, then the bamboo palm might be the perfect fit for your space. It can act as a strong humidifier with some serious cooling effects. It additionally filters harmful toxins like benzene and trichloroethylene from your home. To nurture it, keep it in indirect light and spray it with water regularly throughout the summer months.
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)
Aloe vera is perhaps the most widely known plant used for its healing and medicinal properties. Whether you are suffering from sunburns, bruises, or tiny cuts and wounds, aloe vera can soothe pretty much any minor irritation, provided the latex on the inner membrane is thoroughly washed off before use. It has a high water content, and that means that it is quite perfect for cooling down the indoors of a home or office space. Remember that aloe vera plants need a lot of good sunlight, which means that you need to keep them in direct sunlight and regularly watered in the summer.
Money Plant or Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
For those of you who are looking for an indoor plant that makes gardening simpler or low-maintenance, then the Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy is a very good choice. Its large heart-shaped leaves act as great natural humidifiers, and it also removes toxins from the air such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. The money plant thrives under indirect sunlight.
Ficus Tree or Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina)
The ficus is often a statement piece that graces people’s living rooms, while also cooling down its surroundings. The bushy top of this leafy tree with its glossy leaves are amazing at keeping indoors moist. A mini cooling ecosystem can be created using the ficus combined with a few other plants from this list. While it is better to place a ficus under indirect sunlight, if you happen to place it under direct sunlight; then you must make sure that it is properly hydrated.
Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)
The Boston Fern is probably the best humidifier that is on this list. According to research conducted by NASA, it is especially good at removing volatile organic pollutants from the air like formaldehyde. Dry, sunny spots are the sworn enemies of ferns, so, in order to nurture this plant, keep it in filtered sunlight, and mist it regularly during the hot summer months.
Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
The spider plant is another plant that thrives on little to no maintenance. Also known as an airplane plant or Chlorophytum comosum, this plant grows well in semi-shaded areas, and needs to be potted in a well-drained potting mix to allow it to survive through summer.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
This flowering plant is not only gorgeous to look at, but it is also one that is a powerhouse as a filter and humidifier in one. If you truly want to reap the benefits of this plant, choose one with large, green leaves for the transpiration rate to be magnified, and the leaves to release the most oxygen and moisture possible. Another plant that does best in indirect sunlight, mist it throughout the day to let it thrive indoors.
Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)
If you are looking to see this plant’s credentials, then it is another one researched by NASA to be an amazing humidifier and air filter. Adding one of these plants to your home will allow for toxins like formaldehyde, toluene and xylene to be removed from the indoor air.
While summers in countries like Bangladesh are always undoubtedly hot and humid, keeping your home cool is something that can be done for cheap by using leafy green plants that transpire heavily and keep their surroundings cool. The fact that they will add to your decor is an just an added bonus.