Landscaping To Enjoy Winter
Winter is a coveted season in Bangladesh. Due to the tropical climate conditions of this country, Bangladesh enjoys hot humid weather for most of the year, experiences a fleeting fall, and then winter peeks by in a flash. Therefore, it is also the season of festivities and events. Which calls for a little bit of landscaping and seasonal maintenance of your property. It is important to keep your property looking pretty during this beautiful season. Here are some winter landscaping tips to keep your property’s grounds looking good
Adequate Watering
It goes without saying that it is important to adequately water your greenery. During winter it is important to maintain hydration yet avoid overcooling of your property’s green life. However, year-long adequate watering of your property’s greenery keeps them looking flourished during this season.
Prune & Rake For A Neat Look
Plant debris continues to build up, and is conducive to mold and fungus, particularly where leaves have accumulated. This is particularly harmful to our country due to Dengue infestation. So prune & rake your property regularly. You can opt for services from bti Property Management. They have expert services for gardening, landscape maintenance, and more.
Insulate Roots With Mulch
Putting a layer of mulch at the roots of your shrubs and plants will insulate them from excessive cold. A pro tip is to store and sun-dry the regularly collected plant debris and use that as mulch. This practice will give your property’s greenery a lush look.
Add Some Pop With Potted Trees
It is a great idea to stud your green area with potted trees. They look wonderfully pretty and are eco-friendly. There are a variety of landscaping and gardening accessories available in the market or you can ask for expert help.
Lighting To Uplift
Outdoor lighting can look especially beautiful in winter, even past the holiday season. Consider subtle tones to bring warmth to winter landscaping, or try lighting up walkways and driveways with attractive ground lanterns.
This article hopes to have helped you out with your winter landscaping plans for your property. Make the most of your home decor in this fleeting season and make memories that will last forever with Square Feet Story.